Happy World Spine Day!
Why is your spine important?!
Let’s take a look at a few of the many amazing facts about your body and the nervous system:
1. The body’s intelligence develops the brain and spinal cord first!! This occurs within the first 18 days of conception.
2. The brain and spinal cord are so important, valuable and delicate that they are the only organs encased and protected by bone (i.e. the skull and vertebrae of the spine).
3. The central nervous system sends vitally important messages between your brain and body at a rate of 325 mph through 45 miles of nerves
4. In a 24 hour period the communication between the brain and nervous system will assist the heart in beating 103,680 times.
5. In a 24 hour period the communication between the brain and nervous system will pump 2,100 gallons of blood through nearly 62,000 miles of blood vessels.
6. In a 24 hour period the communication between the brain and nervous system will assist you in breathing 23,040 times.
7. In a 24 hour period the communication between the brain and nervous system will exercise 7,000,000 brain cells.
8. In a 24 hour period the communication between the brain and nervous system will assist in producing 69 trillion red blood cells in one day.

Now that we have a better understanding of how important our nervous system is, we can understand why we need adjustments. Each adjustment you receive builds on the one before and has a cumulative effect on how your nervous system functions. Regular adjustments allow your body to heal, regulate and adapt appropriately to the many stresses of everyday life.