Last Post of 2020
Toxins, Traumas, and Thoughts, or Chemical, Physical, and Emotional stress.
We all experience and are exposed to each every single day. How well we adapt depends on the work we do to keep ourselves healthy. A requirement of daily intentional practice to make healthier choices, and an investment into one’s own health, is key.
Stress stores in the body. Dis-ease doesn’t just happen to us. We build it
We drain our energy reserves going from one thing to the next and not taking care of ourselves in the process. Our fast paced culture is not considerate of your health, you have to be your own advocate in your life. We don’t acknowledge the stress we are constantly under, the pressure from our social relationships and greater social community, the environmental and food toxins we are exposed too, amongst many other examples. Our bodies DO acknowledge it. And when it can no longer cope it fires off SIGNALS of PAIN. Pain is the symptom, or the sign, that your body can no longer cope and it begins to break down.
The investment into your health takes consistency and repetition. There is no quick fix that feels good. Real healing takes work and is no smooth road, but it CAN happen with a real commitment.
We have 365 days ahead of us in a New Year. What choices can you make that bring you closer to health and healing? We can either make choices that bring us closer to health or drive us further away. Take the time to reflect on the different choices in everyday life you can make to reduce stress, eat better, stay hydrated, exercise, have better posture, reduce electronics, get outside, and invest in your health.
We look forward to 2021 with our purpose and mission to help serve the community of Chilliwack to express better health in their bodies and minds. We want to empower others to take action in their own health and to THRIVE. We wish to see another year of healing, action, and commitment to a healthy wellness based lifestyle. Happy New Year!