Do You Experience Sciatica?

Do You Experience Sciatica?

Sciatica is a term used to describe irritation of the sciatic nerve, the widest and longest nerve in the human body. The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back, formed by several nerve roots as they exit the spine. Once formed, the sciatic nerve runs through the...
Do You Experience Sciatica?

Neurological Based Chiropractic

Our neurological based chiropractic office is concerned with how well your body functions. Are the communication pathways between your brain and body aligned?How well are you adapting to stress? Our assessments go through testing of your muscle tone and balance, organ...
Do You Experience Sciatica?

Pain Doesn’t Have To Be There

Thanks Thrive Chiro for the wonderful message!!! Did you know only 10% of your central nervous system is responsible for the sensation of pain  This means nerve tension can exist even without pain symptoms. Chiropractic care is great for anyone looking to function at...
Do You Experience Sciatica?

Systems NOT Symptoms

Taking care of your nervous system through chiropractic adjustments!The sensation of pain accounts for only 10% of your nervous system. Pain is often the last thing to come on and first to be relieved. However it is important to look beyond pain and at the Root...