Complex, Not Complicated

Complex, Not Complicated

We take for granted our own bodies. We don’t adequately nourish it. We load it up with many toxins. We live in highly stressed environments without balancing enough time in nature and rest. Amongst many other things I’m sure you can think of on the spot....
Vagus Nerve

Vagus Nerve

Inflammatory responses play a central role in the development and persistence of many diseases and can lead to debilitating chronic pain. In many cases, inflammation is your body’s response to stress. Therefore, reducing “fight-or-flight” responses...
Toxins, Traumas, and Thoughts

Toxins, Traumas, and Thoughts

Last Post of 2020 Toxins, Traumas, and Thoughts, or Chemical, Physical, and Emotional stress. We all experience and are exposed to each every single day. How well we adapt depends on the work we do to keep ourselves healthy. A requirement of daily intentional practice...
Toxins, Traumas, and Thoughts

Calm Yourself

Chiropractic can help CALM the nervous system. In other words, chiropractic adjustments help reduce the noise in a child or adults nervous system. Movement of the spine has a direct and intimate connection with the brain and central nervous system. The central nervous...